“Mannerly Traditions, Inc. ~ More than Please and Thank You “

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all contributions are tax deductible.

Mannerly Traditions, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with proceeds benefitting educational efforts toward teaching mannerly traditions and etiquette to children, adults, and children with an adult companion, without the use of electronics.

As everyone knows, children are being overwhelmed by social media, and as a result many have become tethered to their cell phones and other electronic media.

Many of our youth have become socially isolated and have forgotten or have never learned the art of conversation. Does this sound familiar to you? If it does, you understand how important it is that we resist and teach the next generation to be interactive with others. There is an electronic epidemic.

We believe social interaction vs. social isolation is of importance in helping our youth be successful!

Please consider becoming a sponsor of Mannerly Traditions, Inc. as we work to teach children to be more respectful of others and engage with the people around them. As a non-profit organization, all contributions are tax deductible. All sponsorships will be listed on website unless otherwise requested.

Thank you for your consideration!